Press release on a final project event GALP/ Herti 10/11/2022

On November 10th, 2022 a presentation of the project GALP Greener Aluminum Cap was held at the production base of "Herti" AD. More than 20 participants - representatives of local and regional media, trade partners, employees of the company - learned more about "Herti" AD and the specific goals and results of the project. After the presentation by Mr. Zahariev, Executive Director and Mr. Denchev, Technical Director and Project Manager, a short discussion was held on the benefits of the innovative green printing and coating equipment. Industry 4.0 developed together with the Norwegian project partner ICB Digital AS was also presented. In addition, the working equipment was demonstrated by employees of "Herti" AD.

The results of the project activities are optimization of production processes, increased production capacity, shorter production and delivery period, improved product quality, reduced energy costs with a positive environmental effect. "Herti" AD will strengthen its presence in the international markets.

The project was realized with the financial support of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, in the frame of the “Business Development, Innovation and SMEs”, Bulgaria..

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