Herti started a new project, supported by Innovation Norway
On April 28, 2023 "Herti" AD received approval for the implementation of the "GREENPRESS" project - 2023/372934 with the financial support of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, within the framework of the "Business Development, Innovations and SMEs in Bulgaria" program.
The project will be implemented in the next 12 months in Pliska, Bulgaria. The value of the entire project is EUR 401,100, with the grant amount of EUR 200,000 representing 49.86% of the eligible costs of the project.
From the beginning of June 2023. "Herti" JSC has started the implementation of the "GREENPRESS" project, the main goal of which is to further expand the green initiatives started in the previous GALP project by implementing new innovative equipment.
As a result, the project will lead to a reduction in energy consumption. The total energy consumption (electricity and gas) for the production of 1000 caps will be 18.2% lower. This will reduce CO2 emissions by around 22% in the first year and increase the reduction in subsequent years.